Sunday, August 9, 2009

Article: After Brain Injury, Fighting to Recall of Sense of Family and of Self

Researchers who have taken images of the brain as it processes information related to personal identity have noticed that several areas are particularly active. Called cortical midline structures, they run like an apple core from the frontal lobes near the forehead through the center of the brain. These frontal and midline areas communicate with regions of the brain that process memory and emotion, in the medial temporal lobe, buried deep beneath each ear. And studies strongly suggest that in delusions of identity, these emotion centers are either not well connected to frontal midline areas or not providing good information. Mom looks and sounds exactly like Mom, but the sensation of her presence is lost. She seems somehow unreal.

After my dad's stroke (the first one), he accused us of trying to kill him. I wonder if this is somehow related.
from the NY Times

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